This article was written for the agent's experience. For the loan officer's experience, click here.
Need to upload multiple clients at once to Home Report? Watch the short video above or follow the steps below:
1. Click My Clients.
2. Click Import Clients.
3. Click example file here to download the required headers and formatting for your file.
4. Open the example CSV file you downloaded.
5. Copy and paste the matching columns under their respective headers. To ensure your file is successfully uploaded:
- Headers on the upload file must match the example file’s headers exactly
- Important tip: We recommend adding your clients to the example file to ensure the headers match
- Your file must include the following fields to upload a client successfully:
- First name
- Last name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Email address
- Columns may be in any order
- Headers are not case sensitive
- A maximum of 500 clients can be uploaded at a time
- No more than one individual per row (i.e. one name, one email address)
- Co-borrowers must be on separate rows
- The file format must be .csv
Below is a sample template:
6. Click Select your file and choose your file to upload.
Tip: By leaving the box checked below, the clients will automatically be emailed an invitation to subscribe to their Home Report and appear under the Home Report tab within My Clients. To manually invite clients, simply uncheck this box.
7. Confirm your understanding by selecting the checkbox: When you import your clients and add them to Home Report, your paired loan officer will also be able to view them.
8. Click Import Clients.
9. If the file is successfully uploaded, it will display the check marks below. They will be emailed once the list is added.
Tip: If the file is incorrectly formatted, you will be alerted and provided the example file.
10. Click Close and Back to My Clients to close the window.
11. Once your upload is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.
Duplicates Found upon Upload
When uploading a CSV file, clients with the same email and property address will be treated as duplicates and only the first instance in your CSV file will be added to the Home Report.
If there is a duplicate client both in the Home Report and within the file being uploaded, Home Report will only update missing fields with the data found in the CSV file.
For example, if you upload a client with an email address of at 123 Main St. Orange, CA 92251 with an interest rate of 5.5%, and the same client in your My Clients tab is missing an interest rate, the interest rate will be added from the CSV file.
Missing Information
If required information is missing (name, email, address), we will notify you (see image below) in the email and that entry will not be uploaded.
Still have questions? Check out our Home Report Bulk Uploading FAQs or click here to submit a support ticket.
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