Home Report Marketing Collateral: Email Templates


Ready to share with clients their new Home Report or remind them to accept their invitation? We’ve created some simple email templates to help get you started. Remember, you can always customize and personalize these email templates to best match you and your brand!

Home Report Introductory Email

Subject line: Introducing Your Home Report

Hi {{consumer name}},

I'm planning to send you an invitation to receive your personalized monthly Home Report. It's a free monthly update on the value of your home, the equity you've built, local market activity, financing strategies and more. It’s a great way to review the health of (probably) your biggest investment, and an easy way for us to stay in touch.

I'm sure you'd love it. You’ll begin receiving the email once a month, starting at the beginning of the next month.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Loan officer name



Home Report Follow Up or Reminder Email

If your client has not interacted with their Home Report, you may want to send them an additional reminder. 

Subject line: Your monthly Home Report awaits!

Hi {{consumer name}},

Earlier, I sent you an invitation to receive your personalized Home Report. It's a free monthly update on the value of your home, the equity you've built, local market activity, financing strategies and more. It’s a great way to review the health of (probably) your biggest investment, and an easy way for us to stay in touch.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Loan officer name



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