Editing a Marketing Kit

This article was written for the real estate agent’s experience. To view the loan officer’s experience, click here.

Watch our <2-minute tutorial on how to edit a marketing kit.

Editing a Marketing Kit

Need to make some edits to your marketing kit? No problem! Here are some common edits you can make:

  • Price, beds/baths, and other property details
  • The property description
  • Open house dates and times
  • Removing the schools’ ratings or removing the entire schools’ infographic
  • Updated contact info
  • Changing the color theme
  • Uploading or selecting new photos

There are three easy ways to edit your Marketing Kit. Keep reading to learn how.

In the Marketing Kits tab

  1. Click on the Marketing Kits tab in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Choose the marketing kit you would like to make an edit to. Within that marketing kit's row, you will see a down arrow next to the View button. Click on the down arrow.Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 11.52.33 AM.png
  3. Click Edit from the dropdown menu.

Begin making your desired edits! Be sure to click Update marketing kit at the bottom of the page to make your changes.

In a Marketing Kit

  1. Click on the Marketing Kits tab in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Choose the marketing kit you would like to make an edit to. Within that marketing kit's row, click View.
  3. Click Edit kit.

Begin making your desired edits! Be sure to click Update marketing kit at the bottom of the page to make your changes.

In a Marketing Kit Asset

  1. Click on the Marketing Kits tab in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Choose the marketing kit you would like to make an edit to. Within that marketing kit's row, click View.
  3. Click on one of an asset other than the Shareables. 
  4. Click Edit kit.Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 11.59.49 AM.png

Begin making your desired edits! Be sure to click Update marketing kit at the bottom of the page to make your changes. Your marketing kit should update within a few minutes. We’ll also send you an email notification once the changes have been made.


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