Adding Custom Promotional text to ListReports Marketing Materials

Add Custom Promotional Text when Creating a New Marketing Kit

When creating a new marketing kit, you can add custom promotional text under the Customization section. 

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 2.25.10 PM.png

Enter the text you wish to appear on your marketing materials, then click Submit. We will notify you as soon as your marketing materials are ready with your custom promotional text. 

Please note: The custom promotional text will appear on all promotional flyers and postcards except for open house materials, Shareable images, and Go Green flyers. 

Editing an Existing Marketing Kit

To add promotional text to an existing marketing kit,

  1. To edit the Marketing Kit, you will want to access the editing page for your marketing kit. There are two ways to do so:
    • First option, within the Marketing Kit tab, find the marketing kit you would like to edit and click the down arrow next to View and select Edit
    • Second option is if you are already within the Marketing Kit you would like to edit, click the Edit button in the top right hand corner of the page.
  2. Once in the editing page, go to Listing details section and scroll to Promotional text.Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 2.32.25 PM.png
  3. Enter the text you wish to appear on your marketing materials, then click Update marketing kit  at the bottom on the page.

We will notify you as soon as your marketing materials are ready with your custom promotional text.

Please note: The custom promotional text can be changed at any time, but the same text will appear on all promotional flyers and postcards except for open house materials, Shareable images, and Go Green flyers. 

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