How Agent Accounts Work
Agent accounts are always free, whether they are paired or unpaired on the platform. By pairing with a loan officer, additional features are automatically unlocked for the agent. Agents can only pair with one loan officer at a time, but may change their paired loan officer at any time. To learn how agents can change their paired loan officer click here.
Unpaired Features
- Industry-leading daily agent email
- Daily social media assets
- Personalized marketing kit for listings
Paired Features
- Daily Agent Email
- Daily social media assets
- 25 piece marketing kit for listings
- Custom & reusable text-to-lead codes
- QR codes
- Lead notifications
- Single Property Websites: Just Listed and Just Sold Websites
- Local Housing Market Data social media asset
- Market Insights Shareable content
- Weekly Talking Points social media asset and printable handout
- ListPacksⓇ
- Custom color themes for marketing kits
- Branded social media assets with the option for a custom color theme
Want to invite agents to pair with you on ListReports, but having a difficult time articulating the benefits of pairing with you? Use the downloadable file at the bottom of the article to share with agents to show them how to level up by pairing with a loan officer.
Preview of the Feature Flyer