What are Daily Shareables?
Daily Shareable are eye-catching real estate-themed social media images designed to be shared with consumers on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Ranging from infographics and polls to quotes and illustrations, Shareables help real estate professionals start conversations and engage with their social sphere.

How do I access my Shareables?
Shareables are sent directly to your inbox via your Daily ListReport email. They are also accessible from the Shareables tab and home page in your ListReports® account.
When can I access new Shareables?
New loan officer-exclusive Shareables are available every weekday beginning at 12:01 am.
Can I access past Shareables?
Yes! Each Shareable image is available to view and download for one week. You can access recent Shareable images from the Shareables tab of your ListReports® account.
Do you provide any data, metrics, or insights into how agents are using Shareables?
Yes, a daily summary of paired agents’ Shareable activity is included in your Daily Market Summary email. Insights are also available directly from the Activity Feed tab in your ListReports® account.
Who owns Shareables?
Shareables remain the property of ListReports®. Our active subscribers are always licensed to use any of our Shareables. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
Does ListReports have Shareables in Spanish?
We have a limited selection of Spanish language Shareables that you can find under Special Occasion and Local Housing Market Data Shareables. Below is a screenshot of both Shareables:
What rights do I have to use Shareables?
ListReports® licenses Shareables to registered subscribers for the purposes described above, including allowing subscribers to post Shareables on social media for the purpose of promoting their real estate agency business and real estate listings. This license is subject to the following terms.
By using our Shareables, you agree to the following terms: (i) Shareables may not be used for any illegal, fraudulent, or defamatory purpose; (ii) Shareables shall only be shared or posted if accompanied by the ListReports copyright notice; (iii) Subscribers are prohibited from changing, modifying, combining or creating derivative works change, combine, modify, or create derivative works of our Shareables; and (iv) Licensees are prohibited to sell or otherwise transfer access to Shareables to third parties for any purpose not stated herein.
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